Ok this may seem lame, but I have not ever shot in RAW - purely because I never had the time to work out how to convert it. Well I decided to make the time. These shots are nothing earth shattering, but are my first go at RAW. Emily and I took a little walk on Sunday in the rain.
Thanks for all your concern about my nose - yes it is broken, but not bad enough to do anything major to fix it up. So in the meantime I look like a racoon with 2 black eyes. Could be worse, I suppose and had to have an operation. i am trying to be grateful for small mercies.

STUNNING photos! I just LOVE that red umbrella with the green fringe. Sorry to hear about your nose, but you have a great outlook on it- no surgery is a GOOD thing! I hope it heals quickly...I broke my nose (hairline fracture) in high school and it SUCKED. I still have a little bit of a bump on the bridge. :(
These are so pretty. love the colors. congrats on bravign it to shhot in raw.
What fun shots - I love the umbrella! I much prefer shooting in RAW now, so much more control over the image. Hope your nose is on the mend soon!
ugh sorry about the multiple posts, my internet connection was doing crazy things
Beautiful shots, love the composition and colors! I've never shot in RAW, it scares me, how lame is that?!
Congrats on shooting RAW, nice job! Lovely color.
Great shots! The color looks awesome. Sorry to hear bout your nose. Hope it heals quickly.
Beautiful colors and love the angle and composition. Great work!
what fun shots! Hope your nose is feeling better soon!
Great job with the RAW. I have never tried it either. Beautiful colors in these. Hope your nose feels better soon!@
love that umbrella...great shots! the azaleas (however you spell it) are beautiful too :)
These are just so awesome. I love the umbrella.
Love RAW! That umbrella is awesome, the third shot is just so great.
That umbrella is delicious! These are really gorgeous! I love your blog song too!
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