A huge happy Mother's Day to all those Mums out there.
This is the Mother's Day shot I took for my mum and my DH'd mum.

Well I finally took the plunge and turned the dial from the auto mode to manual.
It didn't hurt too much and this is one of my first manual shots.
I am seeking CC as I REALLY want to improve and there are so many photographers here who inspire me.
These were my settings: 1/250, f6.3, ISO 100.
This is a beautiful photo of your girls!! The G-mas are sure to love it!
For CC...the photo looks slightly underexposed. By brightening it up a bit with a curves adjustment you might be able to pick up any catchlights in their eyes. Also, the skin tones look a bit yellow to me, but I'm on a laptop so I'm not sure how accurate I am.
I think you cropped it nicely and love their heads posed together!
Sweet. I agree with th previous post. I would have used a fill flash as well to get more catchlights and take the shadows out from under their eyes. There are a lot of competing colours in this too, so maybe a black and white instead or a selective colourization. Cute pose though. :)
I'm the pits at people photos so I'll leave the CC to the experts, but I wanted to say I love the composition and the flowers in the background. Bet the moms will love this! Happy Mother's Day!
Thanks to those for that advice. I agree with the undersexposed comments. Is there a difference between monitors? At home looked ok, now today at work looks a little too orange - again thanks for the advice.
I agree that it's a little underexpossed. Maybe be lowering your SS it would have helped a little. I think the colors look nice all together and comp is great!
Happy Mother's Day to you, what a nice shot no matter the technical stuff.
It makes me smile when I read "mum" :)
I think the girls are beautiful! I love the pinks they are wearing against the background of the flowers!
I think this is a lovely shot of your girls! The flowers in the background are so pretty!
no cc from me, i think its a beautiful photo of your girls
Cute girls and nice shot! I don't have any CC for you, though.
Cute photo.... and you've got sound advice already!
Beautiful girls! Love the flowery background. Congrats on making the big move to "M"! There's so much to learn, isn't there?
I think you did excellent for your first manual shot! You are a brave lady...I am still auto (blush)!!
Your girls are very cute
Great shot and congrats on moving to manual! Your daughters are just beautiful.
A beautiful capture!
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