Saturday, 21 February 2009


Hooray, I am done, I can put all my Korean images away - processed!  These are quite random in subject, yet were all shot at the National Museum in Seoul.  
I have no idea what these soldiers were doing, but it kind of freaked me out that they were there all lined up.

My first baby - sadly not a baby anymore.

This is a pagoda inside the museum - I really liked the texture in it.


Mom2Drew said...

I always feel like I'm visiting a tourism book when I come to your blog, I just love it!

janett said...

Great shots, love that last one.

Diana said...

awesome shots! you must be in photowonderland living there and having so many great things to shoot!

KRISTIE said...

very cool! love the last one :)

CindyTykie said...

Wonderful shots!! I love the last one

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Beautiful shots! And your "baby" is adorable!

Jason said...

Neat shots, I really think that last shot is pretty cool!

Suzy said...

I like all of these. I had to make them bigger to really appreciate the detail. Great shots!

Steph said...

The conversion on every single one of these is great!

Bobbi said...

Oh that is kinda freaking how they are lined up! Your daughter is so pretty.

Angela2932 said...

I really like your 2nd shot. Beautiful b&w, angle, and cropping. But this doesn't mean you're going to stop showing us Korean pictures, does it?

Krista P said...

Amazing shots. The pagoda one is my favorite.

pat said...

Donnah, I sure hope you are going to put these images in a book. They are fabulous; you have such a flair for catching the details and the flavor of a place...I remember your Thai photos.