The Summer Palace is a truly magical place. It is not often I visit somewhere and actually feel like I am in another place an time. The way they make the buildings is mind blowing, the intricate details and the attention to the small things is what makes the difference. But the again that is the Chinese way. Everything is thought about from the pot plants to the music that is played while you are walking around.

Someone asked what we do that makes us travel so much. Well DH and I are teachers in International Schools. I teach elementary Art and DH teaches 2d Grade. We are currently at the Western Academy of Beijing. Before that we were in Korea for 2 years. The best part about teaching internationally is the school holidays - we travel as much as we can. It also helps that for professional development or for conferences we actually have to leave the country. Hence our side trips to Singapore and what not. Due to the Olympics we had 3 months off for summer and spent that in Australia with a two week stopover in Thailand (I haven't edited those shots yet - still to come). DH's family live 2000km from my family so we got to zig zag our way across Australia too. Oh some days I yearn for a house in the suburbs, and never ever being in an airport!
I suppose the most purposeful part of my life is my spirituality (I need to talk more in code now as I am in a communist country). Fellowship and my relationships with my BIG Dad are so important. This has led to some amazing opportunities - hence our trip to Nepal and work with the children's home there. I am currently the Mercy Now representative in China. My work involves sharing and talking to others about the work Mercy Now does. Mercy Now is a mission organisation that works mainly in the South East Asia region. If you want to know more email me or pea mail me.
Sometimes I get sad and miss normal life in Australia. I miss my family and friends, but most days I actually have to pinch myself to make sure I am awake. I really feel I live a blesses life.
I'm so glad you are doing what you're doing!! And a bonus is that we get to live a bit vicariously through you!
what an awesome thing you and your family get to do. That is amazing! I have always wondered how you ended up where you are! Great photos by the way.
I am loving all the details!
Those photos are just absolutley breath-taking. I would love to be able to travel, but I can see how it would be hard being away from friends and family. Oh yea, just visiting from 2peas.
Thank you , thank you for these continued views of the Summer Palace. How incredible! That roof shot is mind-blowing--all those angles and lines. Sooo cool!
definitely sounds like you are living a life that makes a difference. what awesome experiences you must be living. and I love the way your photos document your travels. great work!
What great jobs!! And you get to see so many wonderful places!!!
Oh, the COLOR!!!
Just beautiful!
Great details, beautiful shots!
Your life is amazing! I am always inspired by your adventures, as I am sure I have told you before.
These are so lovely...and so intricate.
I absolutely LOVE coming to your blog and seeing all of your gorgeous photos and reading about your adventures! That is the life I would love to lead... seeing new exotic lands, exploring their cultures...
These photos are just breathtaking- all of that intricate detail and carvings everywhere! I wish builders in the states would pay as much attention to detail instead of always just trying to fit the maximum amount of stuff in the minimum amount of space. ;)
These are just so amazing! I love your blog so much and all the things you get to see.
I think you are doing an amazing thing and should be so proud.
The details in these are incredible. Love your journaling. I hear you on the not being in an airport for awhile thing and suburbs. Cant wait to see Thailand photos I loved it there. For your code just know reps like your family are blessings to those that are searching.
Now I'm even more impressed, especially re: your relationship with Big D. I love coming to your blog, and then became confused about the China references, thinking you were in Korea! Now I understand. My daughter is hoping to study abroad next year in India. I love how, through your blog, I get to take a peek into other worlds that I'm not likely to ever get a chance to go to.
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