Thanks for all your kind feedback -I am going to answer some of the questions from the feedback. Nepal is the most amazing country, everyone has mobile phones, yet the roads are still dirt. It is dirty, smelly and wonderful! The food tastes so good and the best part is you eat it with your hands - rice and curry with your hands! It is truly a third world country and they still load share power - every week for 2 nights a week you have now power from 4pm - 8pm. Most houses do not have running water and you will see people bathing in buckets on their front doorstep, yet when a Nepali man was in the final for Indian Idol the whole city of Kathmandu had a block party with firecrackers!
Our church was doing a mission trip so we decided to go and we spent 10 days living and working in an orphanage. It was the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. It changed my girls perspective on so many issues. We live a blessed life, we travel, we live internationally, we want it - we buy it. My daughters helped wash clothes by hand with rocks and soap, they sat on the floor to eat their food and they had to first help cook the food and carry the water inside to prepare the food. They had to have cold showers for 4 days because there was no sun, so no hot water. Now when they whinge that their hat is not pink, I point out they are lucky to have a hat and they get it. The kids and the workers are now part of our life. Each month we send care packages and my girls send their pocket money at the end of each month. We will return to Nepal in October and spend another 10 days there - Nepal and it's people touched my life more than I can ever touch theirs.
Gosh that was a chapter book!
I have been inspired to play a bit with actions - ok long way to go but I feel I am starting to understand maybe 2% of what I need to know.

I love your shots. Just incredible. I am impressed, as well, with your life experiences. What wonderful, priceless lessons your children are learning about serving others. I think that's so admirable!
love your shots. how great that you got to go. these really give a great flavor of what its all about.
These are wonderful shots! What an amazing experience for you and your family!
Your photographs are just beautiful, they look like amazing postcards! Thank you so much for writing about Nepal and your mission trip, I loved reading it. What a great experience for all of you.
Really cool photos!
WOW those are great! Awesome shots!
These are so beautiful! I think the last one is my favorite. The man has such an interesting face. Wow!
Wow! Thanks for sharing! My fave is also the last one - what a great portrait!
WOW! These are awesome! Number 3 just takes my breath away! Great job and 4 is very neat:) Love them all!
Wow--what an interesting post! Love the personal observations, they bring it to life. The shot of the prayer flags is really cool--nice POV. Love the B&W of the temple (?) across the river--awesome lighting and comp.
I LOVED your stories! I would love to hear more! What an awesome perspective you all came away with, I wish my kids would "get it" when I say things like that to them.
Your shots are just WONDERFUL. I love every single one of them. That man in the last shot's eyes are so deep and soulful... I feel like he is looking right into me!
These are fantastic. I love them all but I really love the processing on the third to last one. So much feeling there.
these are all fantastic! I especially love the third and fifth shots.
gorgeous photos and journaling. how awesome that your kids got to go with on a mission trip.
I really, really, really enjoy visiting your blog! The photos are so beautiful and I love hearing about other parts of the world. When I think of Nepal, I tend to think of Mt. Everest, of course.
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