Do you feel like a Korean snack?
I promise you these are real, and I did not make them up!
First we have a regular corn dog but then to add to the calories it is re-dipped in batter, rolled in chips (fries) and then fried again!

Our second choice for those not wanting something fried twice is the chocolate corn dog! This is just s regular corn dog, that is then dipped in chocolate or strawberry topping and sprinkled with hundreds and thousands! I bet your mouth is just watering!
Wow! Unbelievable snacks! Not sure I want to eat them, but I LOVE your shots of them!
Now those are interesting. I wouldnt mind trying them
I love the shots, but don't think I would be eating either of those.
The chocolate and strawberry covered corn dogs do look pretty though.
Oh, that first one is so funny. I think my arteries started clogging from just glancing at them, lol. Reminds me of fried ice cream for some reason. Great food shots! TFS!
Ok, these are just soooo wrong on so many different levels! Nice food shots, but ewww---people actually eat these? I heard my arteries slamming shut when I looked at that first menu choice!
I think I need an angioplasty just from looking at these. Holy hardened arteries, Batman!
Not sure I could eat those, unreal what people can come up with. Which is your favorite treat. LOL
Is there great demand for these in Korea? I'd be so disappointed, biting into one of these, and getting a corn dog instead of ice cream!
wow, very interesting! corn dogs and fries go together, but chocolate?? hmm, have you tried one??
Great shots. Now I need to know do they taste good?
Oooooohhhhh.... those DO look good! Especially the one covered in fries. I can hear my arteries clogging just LOOKING at them, lol!
Hmm interesting snacks! I love the last shot, yummy sprinkles! But on a corn dog? lol
I've never seen or heard of a "chocolate corn dog" until now. But you know I'll bet they are yummy!! Sometimes the strangest combinations are the best.. Try McDonalds french fries dipped in their ice cream - sweet, salty, hot and cold.. Your taste buds just don't know what to do with themselves lol..
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