The first few images here were taken from my beach chair. Everyday these men would come along the beach and sell things.

I know they are popped as I overexposed them and no
matter how hard I try to fix them - still learning in Light Room
...... any suggestions happily accepted.

The last two were taken around our resort - I just thought they were lovely images.

These are all cool! LOVE that flower shot. I have never seen anything like that!
Holy smokes. I hadn't seen any of your Thailand photos. They are stunning. The colors and textures are just lovely. I can't wait to see more!
I don't use lightroom, so I'm no help there. But...gorgeous colors and textures. So good to "see" you back BTW.
What a treat to see these! I absolutelyl love the 4th one, and always feel like I'm getting such a cool glimpse of someplace else, looking at your photos. I don't use LR either. I think correct exposure on a beach is pretty tough, because of the reflections. .. .I think you pretty much just have to choose the most important part of the photo and expose for that. Or work with layers, (in CS3, you'd open the photo twice from RAW, as a smart object, expose each version differently, and then mask one over the other.)
mmmm....beach....resort....STOP TEASING!!! :) These are great images!
Beautiful images! That flower is very unusual and cool.
Love that last shot. I don't know what it is about statues in pictures that I seem to be drawn to.
Great captures! aaaah...the beach! (as I sit here with cold feet and hot coffee!)
Love these shots. How wonderful to be on the beach. The colors in all your photos are always so incredible!
That flower is very cool and odd at the same time.
these are beautiful photos. The flower is awesome! great job!
Love the way you captured the everyday life on the beach with the selling guys. I'm jealous though - it's very cold here!
Great pictures! OH, how I'd loooove to go to the beach!
Glad for an update. We loved the beaches in Thailand. Love the flower shot.
Beaches are so tough for exposure. I think you did a nice job! The last one is my favorite of this bunch!
I love the last shot-you had me at "beach chair"
Great shots, what an interesting flower.
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