I have not posted here for nearly two weeks. I can at least say I am not lazy. My little Claudia had a severe kidney infection and spent 7 days in hospital on a drip. I am not going to bore you with all the details, but she has made a full recovery - Praise God. for a while there the doctors were talking about kidney damage and dialysis. Anyway, not much shot in the last dew weeks, but I did capture these shots in hospital.

This is set up. I asked her to smile - I know asking too much.

She met a little friend in hospital.

Just my toilet humor coming out! Well seven days in a hospital will make anything seem funny.

Our name tag. I find this funny too!
Number 1 is ours and only our last name.
The name below is the girl next to us - her first and last name.

Oh I have been in her shoes...I had kidney failure when I was a freshmen in highschool. I spent a month in the hospital and I did have to be on dialysis...not fun. My kidneys started working again on their own about 2 months later...they were talking about transplants for me...needless to say I am now 33 years old and have not had a problem since...saying a little prayer for you all!!!
Wow! Sounds like you've been through some rough times lately. Glad your daughter has recovered. It's nice to see you posting again!:)
Sorry to hear of your troubles but glad everything is ok. Love the "bum han" very funny.
Awwww..Poor girl! I'm glad she's okay. That hospital coradoor(sp?) is scary looking! Great shots.
Glad your daughter is feeling better. Love the photo of the corridor!
I was missing your posts. So sorry to hear she went through this. Glad she is feeling better.
I'm so glad that she recovered well. I laughed at those also. Can you speak Korean?
OMGosh that is so scary, I am so glad she made such a swift recovery.
The photo of her little pout, even if it is put on, is just so sad.
It's great to see you could keep your sense of humor through all that stress.
Sorry to hear that your absence was not for a fun adventure but for a stressful, scary time. I'm so glad she's recovered! You take great photos even under stress!
Glad she's going better! Great shots!
So glad she's feeling better. You got some great shots to preserve this memory!
So glad your daughter is better and I hope she remains healthy.
This are great shots
Cools shots. Sorry you had to go through all that to get them. I am glad she is better.
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